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    • April 4, 2013 10:30:31 AM EDT
    • Dogging #1 by Galanga

      I Love Dogging

      The Chikan Fetish - Part 1
      By: galanga
      Written on May 30th, 2011
      Dogging is a fun sexual sport that’s growing in popularity. It started in the 60s among hippies as a form of rebellion against sexual norms. At that time is was called “perving” and it was the ultimate expression of “sexual freedom”. Perving was when a woman (usually as a couple) went into the woods at lovers lanes and served herself to the perverts that hide there to jerk off while watching couples in the lovers lanes. Perving used “free love” as an excuse, but the real reason people did it was to get the big powerful orgasms offered by perverted taboo sex. Perving died in the early 80s with the AIDS scare, but is now loosely being resurrected under the name “dogging”. I say “loosely” because dogging refers to any activity with the park perverts, from simple exhibitionism to full contact sex, whereas perving was always full-on bareback intercourse with internal cumshot.

      Perving (now included in dogging) is intensely exciting, but only for a small fraction of women. Why? Because it appeals to women who have something called a “passive rape fetish”. All rape fetishes involve a woman getting off on her body being used as a sex object. And all rape fetishes involve power transfer. However, in a passive rape fetish, the power is transferred to the woman. She gets off on men getting off on her … but her arousal comes from the power her body has to induce HIS gratification (orgasm).

      Passive rape fetishes are usually instilled from childhood sexual exploitation, and arise as a type of defense mechanism. The girl’s brain reinterprets her abuser’s orgasm as defeat, as her victory over him, since that always marked a decisive end to each episode of abuse. And this is an easy misinterpretation. The man/girl encounter is extremely intense for the man, and brings on a rapid orgasm. The man usually has to fight against too quick a climax lest he have little time to enjoy the buildup. The girl can intuitively “feel” that fight in him and her brain protects itself from the helplessness of her reality by making HER feel victorious upon him loosing that fight.

      Defense mechanisms are marvelous for enabling a child to cope with hopelessness. Unfortunately, defense mechanisms don’t go away just because they’re no longer needed. For the rest of her life her sexuality will be modulated by the defense mechanism … and defense mechanisms are extremely powerful, more so than sex itself. In many cases, the defense mechanism will taint sex for the adult woman. However, in some cases it will actually enhance the excitement of sex, filling her with amazing thrills upon being used as an object of a man’s gratification. This is the passive rape fetish, and activities like dogging, adult theater sex, and gloryhole sex trigger these thrills to an extreme.

      In many cases the passive rape fetish is further enhanced if the man’s gratification is clandestine and sneaky. This is why many hippie women preferred to be stoned when perving, lending a lack of awareness to the sexual feeding frenzy. Indeed, many dogging women act stoned or oblivious for this very reason. However, a more direct, albeit less popular, way of appealing to this fetish is through something called the “frotteurism/gregomulcia symbiosis” – more commonly known as the “chikan fetish”.

      Chikan is the Japanese word for pervert, however it has become entirely associated with one specific kind of pervert – the frotteur. A frotteur is a man (usually) who gets off by sneaking hidden feel-ups off girls’ body parts, most commonly their legs. In the old days we used to call these guys “mashers”. In the 50s, mashers predominately struck in movie theaters because the old projectors were not powerful enough to light up the whole theater. The balconies were very dark places popular with kids who went to theater primarily to make out and grope each other. To facilitate said activity, the girls would wear shorts to the theaters where their legs were accessible to the boyfriend … and unbeknownst to them, to the mashers, who were skilled at sneaking free feels off the girls without them knowing it.

      A typical masher technique was to sit immediately behind a pair of young lovers in the darkness of the balcony and wait for them to become, shall we say, enthralled with each other. He would then sneak his hand between the seat backs and take in some thigh skin while the girl is distracted by her boyfriend. Unfortunately, as skilled as they were, mashers usually got caught, and by the 60s the practice was rare. Movie theaters are not the best places for frotteurism because the girls are not sufficiently distracted. Even a girl ferociously making out with her boyfriend can discern a third hand on her leg.

      Mashers look for two criteria – darkness and distraction. Last year at Disneyland a masher struck on the Tower of Terror ride. This guy sat next to his target and waited for the point when the lights to out and the ride free-falls in pitch black darkness. He then felt up her breast. Unfortunately, he didn’t realize that Disneyland snaps souvenir pictures during the free-fall. The picture, shown below, became an internet sensation when the target woman distributed it freely.

      This man just groped that woman's breast in the darkness of this Disney ride

      Much better for the frotteur is a dense crowd where being butted against by people is unavoidable and expected. The density of the crowd hides wondering hands below shoulder level eliminating the need for darkness, and its crush eliminates the need for distraction. Mashers have been targeting subways for decades. The NYC subway is a favorite target during rush hours. However, a frotteur’s dream is the Tokyo subway system for several reasons. First, the subways are packed like sardines – literally. There are actually officers hired to pack people into the cars, as shown in the picture below.

      Tokyo subways are so crowded that attendents are hired to physically cram people into the cars

      Second, Japanese schoolgirls wear uniforms consisting of short skirts and bare legs, and the morning trains are packed with them.

      Japanses schoolgirl uniforms are perfect for leg groping

      Third, and most importantly, Japanese culture mandates females to be passive – especially where sexuality is concerned. It is considered taboo for a woman to talk about sex, even in reporting unwanted sexual contact. This is why Japan has a reputation for being relatively “rape-free”. Rape is as common in Japan as in New York … but the women don’t report it. And they don’t react to frotteurs. Instead, Japanese women generally ignore the frotteurs. The trains are so densely packed that you literally can’t move. Combined this with Japanese culture and you have a frotteur’s wet dream. Most girls passively allow the frotteurs to feel up their legs and ignore them as long as it doesn’t get too out of hand (no pun intended). Train frotteurism has become so common in Tokyo that such men have a name – chikan.

      It is estimated that a typical schoolgirl has a 10% chance of being chikaned on a Tokyo subway during rush hour. Thus, over the school year, literally every schoolgirl will likely be chikaned at least twice a month. Chikaning is illegal in Japan, but in Asian culture it is more socially acceptable to be a male chikan than a female chikan victim who reports it. So chikanning runs rampant in the Tokyo subways. There are signs warning women of popular chikaning areas, and others informing men of the “social disgrace” if caught.

      Subway signs warning women of popular chikaning areas

      The problem has become so bad that there are even “women only” subway cars.

      Women only subway cars are one way to battle the out of control chikan problem in Asian cities

      Another venue popular with chikans is the Japanese public pool. These pools are as packed as the subway cars and are ideal for extended groping, as you can imagine from the photo below. Cases have been reported where chikans molested women and young girls in these pools to the point of ejaculation … and those are only the reported cases – probably about 1 in 20. Cases are typically only reported with an actual penetrative rape or attempt thereof. Like the subways, girls in the pools have become so accustomed to the presence of chikans that it is easier to ignore them, even to the point of ejaculation, than to make a fuss over it and risk social stigmatization.

      A chikan in the middle of this Tokyo public pool WILL cum

      Chikaning has recently spread to most Asian countries, and is now as rampant on the Beijing subway as it is in Tokyo. Chinese woman are even more sexually passive than Japanese woman, and the communist Chinese culture is even less egalitarian. And chikans are becoming increasingly bolder and more daring, consistently groping up under the skirt as high as the vagina. Concerned Japanese anti-chikan groups have started battling chikaning by using cell phone cameras to snap photos of chikans in the act and posting them online, as shown below.

      A subway chikan caught in the act

      This chikan was caught with his penis out and actually stroking it up and down on the girl's butt cheek

      This chikan was caught jerking off against the target's butt

      Ok, so now let’s get back to the passive rape fetish. To a woman with a passive rape fetish, a chikan can be a source of fun and excitement. Chikaning is a form of rape, but it’s one that doesn’t involve force or threats. In fact, to a chikan, the girl has all the real power. He’s not trying to exert power over her, but rather to steal a morsel of the power her body has to gratify him, and he must tread carefully so as to not alert her to the theft. This precisely appeals to the passive rape fetish.

      Well, since Japan and China are havens for chikans, are they also hotbeds for women using chikans to act on a passive rape fetish? The answer is, perhaps not surprisingly, yes. Although not nearly as widespread as chikans, such women are becoming increasingly common, so much so that they have been given a name – chijo. A chijo is a woman who not only tolerates the chikans, but actually encourages them. Chijos make themselves enticing targets for chikans, and have perfected skills for sending subliminal messages to the chikans to escalate the encounter, sometimes all the way to a brief penetration, without breaking her pretense of unawareness.

      In Asian culture, a chijo is the lowest of low. Even a prostitute is held in higher regard, for a prostitute does it for money (something Asians can understand), whereas a chijo does it for her own thrills (something Asians can’t understand). Thus, a chijo must NEVER break the pretense that she is an unaware, non-consenting victim while being chikaned. Even the chikan must not even get a hint that he found a chijo. Psychologically this is part of the excitement. To appeal to a passive rape fetish, the encounter must be clandestine and non-consenting.

      In Parts 2 and 3 of this series I will discuss the psychology of the chikan fetish. And in Part 4, I’ll introduce you to a chikan/chijo couple from mainland China that I met at a swingers club.

      This post was edited by Deleted Member at April 4, 2013 10:41:07 AM EDT

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