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    • April 9, 2013 10:51:42 AM EDT
    • Why Do Women Treat Some Men like. . .

      Why Do Women Treat Some Men Like Kings and Other Men like Whores?

      Unfortunately,if you are a man in today’s society, money is the root to all evil. Women are seeking stability and someone to endure the financial burden. Therefore, if you don’t make a great deal of money, you might be viewed as disposable to women. Not all women are like this, but there are enough gold diggers out there that you might run into a few.

      Immaturity and youth

      One of the biggest reasons women treat some men like shit is for the simple fact that the men are dating women that are too young. Women in their 20s are often immature and lack the knowledge that a woman in her 30s would possess. That is why there are so many failed marriages, because women who get married too young are seeking that fairy tale life with two children, a dog named Spot and a white picket fence. When reality strikes, proving life isn’t a big bouquet of flowers, everything goes to shit. Even if a man is a great person and is trying hard, sometimes younger women need to go off into the real world and experience getting treated like shit themselves, so they understand it isn’t cool.


      Men that are too nice

      This does exist, believe it or not. Some men are just clueless creatures and have no idea they are being walked all over. Then once they do find out they have been treated like shit, they allow the treatment to continue. This leads to a vicious pattern that will continue for as long as the man allows it, but most likely he will always be the shitty doormat for women that like to bulldoze over men.


      Daddy issues

      Most men that have been around the block have dated a woman who had a nonexistent father. These women tend to be aggressive, have abandonment issues and seek acceptance and approval from men. They always have some kind of drama going on. Then there is that breed of woman who grew up without a father and treats the world like a delicious bowl of ice cream, but she is rare. Growing up without a father makes women look at men as very disposable. Treating a man like shit is no big deal to them, because they know eventually the man will leave. The one thing that women with daddy issues seek in a man is a daddy-like figure. Older men and men with money are the number-one target. If this type of woman can find an older man with money, she will feel as though she’s won the lottery. Some older men with money will be able to identify this, but some don’t and end up married to this type of woman.


      Finding a nice girl

      There are those couples that have been together since high school and end up married. Marrying your high school sweetheart and having the perfect life does exist, for some. Most women will end up married once in their 20s, get divorced and remain single for a long time, exploring who they are. These are the women who are perfect for dating. In order to make sure you don’t end up being a doormat or treated like shit, you have to sit down and think of the type of woman you want. A woman that has never taken care of herself financially is going to look for the next man with a checkbook. A woman with a stable career might be the perfect option for you, because even if you have money, this woman can stand on her own financially.


      The wonderful world of dating is always going to remain a mystery for some. Unless you truly get out there and get your feet wet, you will never know what to look for. A few bumps and bruises in the road will let you know what women to avoid, but never give up if you are looking for the woman of your dreams.

      This post was edited by Deleted Member at April 9, 2013 10:54:29 AM EDT
    • April 24, 2013 9:54:48 AM EDT
    • Why Do Women Treat Some Men like. . .

      I have seen all of those and have been some of them. Yes the fairytale relationship does happen but sadly

       if your in one you are most likely living in ignorant bliss. That is great as long as you stay ignorant

       and just enjoy the ride. Ignorance can be bliss and reality too often realy sucks and not in a good way.

    • April 25, 2013 3:30:46 PM EDT
    • Why Do Women Treat Some Men like. . .

      This is not that complicated. Women are hard wired to expect men to take care of them. In the caveman days, that meant a man who could go out hunting and bring back food that would sustain her and her brood. It gauranteed continuence of the species.


      In today's modern world, that hard wiring is still working somewhere in the background. Men grudgingly call this "golddigging" when in fact, women are reacting to something they have no control over.


      I always laugh when I see things like this. At the end of the day, we are animals. We want/need food, shelter, sex (not necessarily in that order).


      Men are not that hard to understand or please. I have learned early on in my life that to make a man happy all you need is to give him  good meals, consistent sexual adventures and a listening ear (plus a few other minor bells and whistles). Oh, arrange the odd FFM for him in between. Guys love that shit and will think you are the cats ass for letting it happen.


    • April 25, 2013 3:34:31 PM EDT
    • Why Do Women Treat Some Men like. . .

      You have discovered that secret to a successful, happy and enduring marriage. Where do kids fit in this simple world?

    • April 25, 2013 10:02:13 PM EDT
    • Why Do Women Treat Some Men like. . .

      " The Caveman day " Did you take anthropology?? Or is this dirived from concocked CRAP from Hollywood ? Ok ..... so they find the bones of cavemen. Bones tell alot: age, height, weight, diseases, lifestyle.  Soooo to dispell the myths ( or more like Hollywood fantasy ) . Caveman: women were more like Russian Bubushkas ( strong, muscular ) man & woman realatively close in height & strength .... with man only slightly stronger. Communal living & shared responsability of taking care of the children. It appeared to be more age related as to who went out hunting/gathering & NOT divided roles based on sex. Only in the last 6-7 thousand years did this develop. I am astounded with the " street education " that wants to explain modern  sex roles, females preference today for dating a certain TYPE  of man ..... as " hard wired " or in " the genes " from caveman days.  Totally bull. Tarzan & Jane could NOT be further from the truth.

    • May 13, 2013 9:12:47 AM EDT
    • Why Do Women Treat Some Men like. . .

      My own observations agree with history of women needing strong men to protect and support them but to be fair I have spent considerble hours researching sites to validate your position . Nothing comes up except one site that states that men and women were once equal in strenth and were equal in role sharing of hunting and protecting themselves. : Even this site states that it a recent and unpopular theory and that role changes occurred around 20,000 to 40,000 years ago. Not 6000 years ago. There are many drawings found from over 28,000 years ago depicting man as a hunter of beasts but not a single drawing showing women hunters. today female animals mate with the strongest bull in the heard and the alpha male forms a harum while weaker bulls live alone. Recent DNA tests have shown that even animals that mate for life are not manogamous and that the female will often seek out a mate stronger and more dominate than her own mate for reproduction of her offspring and then return to her own mate after breeding is accomplished. That still happens with some women today when some women decide that hubby may not be the best source of DNA for her children. 

      My own observations indeed support that many women are still hard wired to seek strong and dominant men to protect them. That was still a  very desirable trait in a man untill just 200 years ago here and still was or is in our far north less than 50 years ago in remote northern areas. You don't have to look far to see who attracts the most women at a dance or any where and it is isn't the brainy nice guy geek that gets the woman. A handsome macho body builder can be as dumb as shit but still get laid and the intelligent and nice guy geek gets treated like he has a disease. Only in the last 3 generations and mostly in the last two generations have many women become independant enough to be on their own as equals in the work force and at home. There were always a few women that were independant in the last 150 years but they were not the norm. It wasn't untill legislation changes in the late 1960's that a single woman could get a morgage or a car loan because before that  her income was only rated at 25% of a family income for mortage  purposes while her husbands or a single man's income was rated at 100%. Of course they were conditioned for centuries that they need a strong man to take care of them and in many countries that is still valid.  You can't change that in a few generations. 


      This post was edited by firebird at May 13, 2013 9:40:13 AM EDT
    • August 2, 2013 3:01:40 PM EDT
    • Why Do Women Treat Some Men like. . .

      For many years we have catered to singles in the services of dining, travel, & dating. And then for another 18 years we catered to couples & singles who liked having fun with sex in mind.

      I can say from first hand experience that quite a few women want a man with money. The money came before the man & up went the divorce rate.(smile)

      I don't think this attitude has as much to do with society as with the attitude of the individual.

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