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    • April 15, 2013 1:02:44 PM EDT
    • The Hunter (first half)


      Part One: Showtime


      When our new neighbor forgot (?) to pull her shades down she put on quite a show for my husband and me.



      "Honey," my husband called to me from the bedroom. "She's doing' it again. Come watch."


      We had a new neighbor, a single woman named Shayla. We had talked to her over the fence a few times, but really didn't know her very well. We thought she was a little shy. We were going to be proved wrong on that.


      A few weeks after she moved in Lee and I were lying in bed with the lights out when he noticed Shayla turn the lamp on in her bedroom. As we lay there she stood in the middle of the room, opened her robe and let it drop to the floor. No nighty for this girl, she was bare-assed naked. She was a thin, dark haired woman with, I noticed, small breasts and sharply pointed nipples, which she was rolling between her fingers. While we watched she laid down on the bed and put her hands between her legs, obviously pleasuring herself. Lee got so excited he nearly fucked my brains out that night. I have to admit I was pretty turned on too. I had never seen another woman masturbate before and I was fascinated. Now, according to my hubby, she was going to do it again.


      I quickly got on the bed on my stomach next to Lee while we watched Shayla, oblivious to having an audience, stand naked in the middle of the room. Her eyes were closed and she was pinching her nipples. I could feel Lee moving around next to me and I looked over to see him pulling his pants and shorts down. Seemed like a good idea to me. I quickly undressed, not taking my eyes off the woman next door. When Lee and I were as naked as Shayla, he knelt on the bed next to me, his hand on my back. I could feel his erection brushing against my shoulder.


      As we watched, Shayla kept pinching her nipple with one hand while the other traced its way slowly down her body until we could just make out her fingers running along her pussy. She was completely shaved down there. My own pussy was getting pretty wet. Lee must have sensed that too as his hand slid down my back until it was between my legs. He worked his fingers into me just as Shayla's fingers penetrated her. Her mouth was moving as if she was either praying or moaning. I was betting on moaning, unless you consider 'OH God Oh God' a prayer. I reached up and grasped Lee's tool, stroking it lightly, making my fingers wet with his precum. Taking my eyes off the neighbor a moment, I turned and licked a drop of the sweet liquid off of his cock-head, but I couldn't take the time for anything more, I had to get back to the show. I slid my own hand down my belly and rubbed my clit while Lee fingered my pussy. Shayla looked as if she was nearing an orgasm. I certainly was.


      Shayla took her hand out of her pussy and picked up something off the nightstand. "Good lord," Lee whispered, is that a dildo?"


      "Oh yes," I murmured. "That certainly is. Industrial grade." It looked to be at least a foot long and quite thick. I was nearly drooling in the anticipation of watching this woman fuck herself with that monster. As if she heard what I was thinking, she sat down on a chair and put one foot on the bed, completely exposing her sex to us. With the fingers of one hand she held her pussy lips apart and rubbed her clit with the fake dick. I think I gasped as she shoved it halfway into her cunt. "Oh god, honey," I said to Lee. "Get mine, please. I need it now." My husband reached over to our nightstand and pulled my vibrator out of the drawer. It wasn't twelve inches, but it sure felt good when Lee shoved it into me. I continued to rub myself while watching Shayla move her toy slowly in and out. With each stoke it was going deeper until finally she had the monster completely buried in her. "Oh yes baby, fuck me with that, fuck me," I said as Lee moved my own toy in and out of me. From the look on our neighbor's face I could tell she was as close to climax as I was. Suddenly I was there. "Oh shit Lee, turn it on. Turn it on and make me cum." The thing in me came alive, pushing me completely over the edge. I pulled the pillow hard against my mouth, muffling the cry that tried to come out as an orgasm swept through me. Shayla, with her eyes shut tight, had no such inhibition. We heard her scream as her own climax hit her. Lee continued moving the vibrating cock around in my cunt as I came again and again, each one harder than the one before. Another scream came from next door as Shayla continued pleasuring herself. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer. I pushed Lee's hand away, causing him to pull the vibrator out of me. I closed my eyes, gasping for breath.


      When I opened my eyes again Shayla had pulled her toy out of her pussy. She got up and laid down on her bed. Holding the dildo in front of her face she ran her tongue along it. Then she rubbed it around on her lips and cheeks before slowly slipping it into her mouth, working it as if she was actually sucking a cock. After a few moments, she pulled it out and kissed it on the tip. Then she laid it on the table and turned out the light. The show was over.


      The show might have been over, but not the action. I turned onto my back and Lee knelt next to me. Even in the near darkness of the room I could see the long string of spunk hanging off his dick. I held him directly over my face and stuck out my tongue, tasting his sweetness for the second time that night. I licked the sticky stuff off him before taking him between my lips and running the tip of my tongue around his crown. "Oh god yes, honey," he said quietly, fucking my mouth. I only had to suck at it a few seconds when I felt him tense, and then go off like a Roman candle. His cum flowed across my tongue and down my throat.


      Part Two: The Dirty Little Plan

      After the show I put on for the neighbors I decided to get them involved. Lee got the first turn.


      Sometimes I even surprise myself at how bold I can be, and Friday night was a perfect example. There I was, a new neighbor to a couple I'd barely met. They seemed pleasant enough, although a little older than I am, and maybe a little bit uptight. But damn what a kick I had putting on that little show for them. From their reaction it looked like they could be more fun than I had thought.


      I knew they were watching but I don't think they realized I knew they were there. You'd be surprised at how much illumination there is from a clock radio. When I went into the bedroom with my lights out I could see Lee looking out his window. So, being the exhibitionist I am, I turned on my lamp and did a little strip for his pleasure. When I thought Nora had joined her husband I grabbed old Hunter and started in on the main event. Hunter is my dildo, a long, fat tool I've gotten very attached to.

      After I'd used the big boy to get myself off I doused my light. There was just enough illumination to see what the couple next door was doing. I nearly got off again watching Lee shove his dick into his wife's mouth. Like I said, maybe they aren't as straight-laced as I thought.


      Saturday morning I noticed Nora pulling out of the driveway. That's when I began formulating my dirty little plan - my favorite kind. As soon as I saw Lee in his backyard I pulled on my robe and headed outside. I'm always naked around my house but I usually cover up when I go outside. Not always. I'm both a nudist and an exhibitionist. But this time I didn't want to shock Lee - not right off. "Hi there, neighbor," I said casually over the fence. He wasn't wearing as much as I was with only a pair of loose shorts and sneakers on. I thought I saw a twitch in his shorts when he realized I was talking to him. I love that kind of compliment.


      "Uh hi, Shayla, isn't it?" Of course he was nervous, after what I'd shown him the night before.


      "Yeah, Shayla, Your name is Lee, right, Lee and Nora?"


      "Yeah, that's us," he managed to get out. He was so cute; I thought he was going to blush.


      I had considered being tricky or cute, but then I thought 'Fuck it.' I knew what I wanted, and he'd find out soon enough. So I said, "Didn't I see Nora leaving a while ago?" Like I hadn't watched her drive away. "Why don't you come on over for a beer or something?" I tried not to emphasize the 'something.'


      "Well," he said, "Nora's gone shopping and I don't think she'll be back for a couple of hours. I guess it'll be okay." I just smiled and headed for the door. Lee followed me, dragging his tongue on the ground.


      Once in the house I got him settled on the sofa and went and got two beers. I sat on the chair opposite Lee, letting my robe open slightly. Not enough for a good shot but enough to make him hope for one. It was now obvious to him that I was nude underneath. Lee downed half his brew in one gulp while I took a lady-like sip from mine. As we made small talk I casually rubbed the cold bottle against my nipples, not only making them hard but wetting the robe so that the cloth was sticking to the points. Lee swallowed most of the rest of his beer while staring at my tits. From the way he was trying to hide the bulge in his shorts I knew the time was right. "Did you guys enjoy the little 'show' I put on last night?"


      Lee nearly spit his beer out his nose. "Show, what show?"


      "You know, what my friend Hunter and I did."




      "That's the name I gave my little toy, the one you saw me using when you were peeking in my window. Hunter. The Horned God or maybe the Horny God. You know what I'm talking about." From the way he was squirming I could tell he certainly did know. "Maybe I should put on another demonstration just for you, Lee." To emphasize what I was saying I let the top of my robe fall open a little farther. I leaned back on the sofa and ran my hands up and cupped my breasts under the cloth. "Do you like my tits, Lee? Would you like to see more of them?" He could only nod, so I pulled my robe open and shook my boobs at him. "I like to show off my body. Wanna see more?" I asked as I slid one hand down under my robe between my legs.


      "Yes, Shayla," he managed to answer. "I would like to see your body."


      "Good," I said. I let the robe fall all the way open until only my hand was blocking his view of my pussy. "But you gotta show me yours before you get to see mine. Take your shorts off, Lee. Show me your dick." My neighbor stood up and pulled his shorts off revealing a nice sized boner. "Hold it up for me," I ordered. He grasped the organ, aiming it more or less at my face. "Yes," I said acting as if I was looking at a penis for the first time. "Very nice, now, here's your reward." With that I moved my hand away from my crotch, displaying my cleanly shaved pussy for him.


      "That's nice, too," he said, moving toward me.


      "No, no, Lee. No touching. We're just showing . . . at least for now." I ran a finger along my bare slit as he held his dick out. I teased my clit with a finger, making it swell and stick out of the folds of my pussy. "I like to play with myself. Do you like it?" Lee could just nod. "Play with yourself, Lee." He stood just a couple of feet in front of me, rubbing his cock while it was pointed straight at my face. I could see the moisture seeping out of the tiny hole. It took a lot of restraint on my part not to lean over and lick it off. Instead I worked my fingers into my cunt. Both of us were breathing hard. "Would you like to see me use Hunter again?" I finally asked. To fuck myself, or maybe let you use it on me?"


      I thought for a second he was going to lose it right there and then. "Oh yeah," he finally managed to say. "I sure would."


      "Good, then let's go to the bedroom." I stood and dropped my robe completely. Come on. I'm getting hot and bothered and need some relief," I turned and hurried down the hall. I wasn't kidding about needing relief, my pussy was on fire. Lee followed me into the bedroom. I could feel his eyes on my bare little ass.


      Once in my room, I lay down on my back, and then instructed Lee to kneel on the bed next to me. "No touching yet," I said. I reached into the night stand and pulled Hunter out, handing it to him. "Tease me a little bit," I instructed. Lee took the rubber cock and began rubbing it around my tits. "Nice start," I said. "Very nice, but I need more. Move it down, please." He slid the head of the rubber cock down over my belly until it was touching my pussy lips. "Oh yeah, that's the spot," I said. I put my hand over Lee's where he was holding the dick. Between us we forced the head between my lips. I moaned softly as he moved Hunter in and out of my pussy. Meanwhile Lee's cock was swinging just above my face, a string of precum touching my cheek. I reached up and took his tool in my hand, squeezing it lightly. Lee moved as if he was going to try to stick it in my mouth. "No, no, Honey," I said. "I'm not going to suck you. I'm going to jerk you off, jerk you off while you do me." I slid my hand along the length of his dick to show him what I meant.


      "Okay," he murmured. "If that's what you want." With that he shoved Hunter deep into my cunt.


      "Oh god oh god oh god," I gasped as he repeatedly pulled the dick out of me, and then rammed it home again. My cunt was throbbing, biting at the rubber cock as I thrashed about on the bed. I used Lee's own emissions as lubrication as I stroked him, fucking him with my fingers.


      Lee continued driving the dildo into me until I couldn't stand it any longer. I held his hand still with Hunter completely in me, then arched my back and forced my crotch hard against it. "Oh shit oh god oh fuck I'm cumming I'm cumming," I cried as the orgasm hit me. I don't know how Lee held off, but he managed to wait until my climax was ebbing before his began. The first glob of white cream came shooting out of his cock, hitting me on the chin. As his orgasm joined mine I tried to direct Lee's cum onto my tits but we were both shaking so badly I got as much on my face, belly and sheets as hit my boobs. After the first few volleys his throbs became progressively weaker until the cream was just flowing out of him onto my fingers. I finally pulled him to my mouth and sucked the last few drops directly out of his dick, and then I pushed him away.

      As we both recovered I looked down to the dildo still buried in my cunt and said, "You can take it out now." He pulled it out of me and I took it from him. Holding it to my face I said, "Damn I love the smell of my own sex." I licked it and added, "And the taste, too." I scooped up a wad of Lee's spunk off my belly and held it in front of his face. "How about you?" I teased. "Do you like to taste your own?"


      "Uh, no, not really," he stammered.


      "Oh come on," I said, rubbing cum into his beard and mustache. Laughing at the face he made, I told him, "You know, you're cute when you're cumming." I got some more of his semen and rubbed it on my boobs. Lee moved around on the bed, trying to position himself between my legs. "No. No nookie for you," I told him. It's been fun, but the shows over now. You better go home and get cleaned up. What would your wife say if she came home and found you with cum on your face?" I know Lee was disappointed but I insisted. Reluctantly he retrieved his shorts and pulled them on. I threw him a kiss as he left.


      After Lee was gone I laid on the bed a few minutes. I thought about using Hunter again, but decided I didn't have time. I still had part two of my plan to prepare for, and that would require getting cleaned up. As I got out of the bed, I realized I'd have to change the sheets too. I wondered how much time I had before Nora got home.


      Part Three: Nora's Turn


      My husband left me frustrated - but neighbor Shayla took care of it for me.


      When I got home from the mall Saturday, Lee was just getting out of the shower. As I watched him dry off I asked him, "Aren't you going over to Bill's to watch the game?"


      "Yeah," he answered, drying between his legs. "Just wanted to get cleaned up a little bit. I've been, uh, working in the yard."


      When he dropped the towel I could see that he had quite an erection. I walked over and gave it a squeeze. "Looking at this makes me wonder if it's Bill you're going to spend the afternoon with," I kidded.


      "Yep," he answered, "Just Bill. But first . . . “he pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard, his nude body pressed against my clothed one. There was no question about where this was going to end. In about two minutes I was as naked as he was, lying on my back on the bed. Lee was poised over me, his cock poking at my pussy. I wasn't really ready yet but apparently foreplay wasn't on the agenda. With one thrust Lee shoved his dick completely into me, his balls slapping my butt. I thought that he must still be turned on by the little show we had seen the night before. Our new neighbor had unwittingly entertained us by masturbating with a giant dildo while we peeked through her window. Lee came in my pussy as quickly Saturday morning as he had Friday night in my mouth. The difference was on Friday he got me off several times with a vibrator first. Saturday he just left me high a dry.


      "God, I'm sorry honey," he said, belatedly. "I didn't mean to be in such a rush, I just wanted you so much."


      "That's okay," I told him. "I'm just glad it's me you wanted. Just because I didn't cum doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it." To myself I was asking, "I wonder if all wives lie like this?"


      After a little obligatory cuddling, Lee got out of bed and cleaned up. When he left to go watch his football game I thought about getting the vibrator out and finishing what he had started, but decided against it. The jerk was definitely going down when he got home. Plus I had every reason to initiate our little 'bedroom game.' He'd earned the right to get tied up that night. Maybe I'd use the vibrator on him. With that pleasant idea in mind I got up and started some laundry.


      I grabbed my robe to put on, but thought about the girl next door, the naughty Shayla, who never seemed to wear any clothes running around in her house, and sometimes in the backyard for that matter. I decided I'd emulate her and do my chores in the nude, although unlike Shayla, I did make sure the blinds were drawn.


      When the first load of laundry was done I went to hang the sheets on the line out back - after putting on a robe. I don't have quite as much nerve as our neighbor. I hadn't been outside five minutes when Shayla emerged from her back door with her own laundry basket. I was relieved to see she was also wearing a robe. She called "Hello" to me and when we had everything on the line we met at the fence. "Guess we both had the same idea," she said, indicating the sheets on both our lines. As we talked I idly wondered if she'd gotten hers soiled during her performance the night before. I had been washing Lee's spilled seed out of ours.


      "I haven't seen you guys since I moved in," Shayla said, "and today I run into both of you. Lee and I were out here together earlier." In retrospect maybe I should have been suspicious right then. But no, even though I was a little mad at my husband I still trusted him. But then, I suppose he trusted me, too.


      "He's off to watch some football game right now. Probably won't be home for quite a while," I said. For some reason, this seemed to please Shayla.


      "So, why don't you take the afternoon off too? Come on over and I'll make some tea. Or maybe we could open a bottle of wine."


      "Well, since Lee's probably guzzling beer right now, a glass of wine sounds like a good idea. Let me go put some clothes on."


      "Not necessary. I guess you know I'm pretty casual around the house." Now that was a real understatement.


      I followed her into the house where she grabbed a bottle and a couple of glasses, then led me to the living room. I settled myself on an easy chair and she sat opposite me on the sofa. "You know you're lucky, Shayla said, "having such an attractive husband.


      "I suppose," I answered, "Even though he can be a jerk sometimes."


      "Sure, they all can. They're men, aren't they?"


      "Yeah, I guess they just can't help themselves."


      "Now my own little friend," she said, "may not look like much, but he never lets me down."


      "Uh, okay." I had no idea what she was talking about.


      "Yes, Hunter is always there when I need him?"




      Luckily I had sat my wine down. I surely would have spilled it when she said, "He's the toy you saw me using last night." I started to object, but she cut me off. "I know you were watching, I meant for you to. I couldn't see you guys, but I could hear you." And I thought I'd muffled my moans in the pillow. Seeing me blush, she added, "Yes, I heard you cumming, Nora. Was Lee fucking you?"


      "No," I managed to mumble, "He used my vibrator".


      "So," she said as we both squirmed in our seats, "we were doing the same thing. That kinda turns me on. How 'bout you, Nora? Does it turn you on?"


      "Well . . . yes . . . kinda," I said, grabbing my wine and taking more than a sip. I sloshed the rest of the wine down my front when she pulled the twelve-inch dildo from under a sofa pillow.


      We both ignored the spilled wine. "Here's my big boy," she said, kissing it on the tip. With her other hand she pulled her robe open and began running the 'boy' around her tits. I could see her nipples growing longer and harder, like little cocks. "Ooh, that feels good," she sighed. Then she looked me in the eye, "Do you want to try it?" I could only nod. Shayla came around the coffee table and got on her knees in front of me. "Open your robe, honey," she said. I untied it at my throat and opened the top, revealing my breasts. Shayla began rubbing my nipples with the tip of her dildo and I felt them growing just as hers had earlier.


      I hadn't even realized that my legs were spread until Shayla pulled my robe the rest of the way open and Hunter ran down my belly. I had never felt so exposed, sitting there with my robe pulled back and my legs open wide. But I don't think I'd ever felt more turned on either as Shayla ran the fake dick along my pussy lips. "Someone's getting excited," Shayla said. Then she dipped her face toward my crotch, closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "Nothing smells as good as a woman's sex. Don't you think so, Nora?" I think I nodded. "Do you want me to use Hunter on you? Make him do what he did to me last night?"


      This time I know I nodded. Was it because Lee left me frustrated earlier, or because I was angry at him? Or maybe I just wanted to relive the show we'd seen the night before - with me in a starring role. Whatever it was, I desperately wanted that big thing in me, wanted it to fuck me. "Let's go to the bedroom," Shayla said. "We'll both be more comfortable there." I nodded again, and then felt a pang of loss as she pulled Hunter away from my pussy.


      We both stood and dropped our robes. Shayla pulled my body against hers. I could feel her tits pressing into mine. She kissed me quickly on the lips. It may have been just a peck but it certainly was not 'sisterly.' Then she released me and I followed her sexy ass down the hall wondering what I was doing - what I was getting into. Before lying down on the bed I had the presence of mind to pull the window shade down. I wasn't completely out of my mind. If Lee did come home early I didn't want him to catch me in bed with . . . with another woman. What the hell was I doing?


      What I was doing was lying on the bed with my knees up and spread. Shayla knelt next to me on the bed. She held the big thing with one hand and teased my pussy lips with it. Her other hand was occupied squeezing my tits. I reached both of my own hands down between my knees and joined hers on the dildo. As she pinched my nipple we eased the toy into me. "Oh god, that feels good," I murmured. The thing almost had a life of its own, moving slowly in-and-out, each time going further into my pussy. My eyes were closed, enjoying the feel of what Hunter and Shayla were doing to my body. After a few strokes I realized there was something else going on. I opened my eyes and saw her lips around my nipple. The sight and feel of her sucking my tit just made me hotter, made we want it more. I closed my eyes again, luxuriating in the feelings she was causing. I cried out as she drove Hunter deep into my cunt. Then my eyes flew open at a new sensation. Looking down I could see that she no longer was sucking on a nipple - she was sucking on my clit. "Oh shit oh fuck oh my god YESYESYES," I shouted as the climax hit me. She kept sucking, Hunter kept fucking, and I kept cumming until I couldn't stand it anymore. I pushed her head away, and then helped her pull Hunter out of my pussy.


      Shayla held the dildo up in front of her face and slowly ran her tongue along it before saying, "Mmm, nice." Then she moved around until she was between my legs, her face directly over my crotch. Locking my eyes with hers, she lowered her mouth onto me. I could feel her probing me with her tongue. Raising her head slightly she said, "You taste and smell so good, I just can't resist you. Then she lowered her mouth back to my pussy.


      "Oh God, Shayla," I moaned. "You're gonna make me cum again." She just nodded, rubbing me harder with her face. Somehow her fingers were in my pussy and her tongue was pressed to my clit. I meant to tell her to stop but the words were unintelligible as once more I exploded in orgasm. My back arched as I pushed myself as hard as I could against the woman's face.


      I don't know how long the climax lasted - it seemed to go on forever - but finally I calmed down and she pulled her mouth away from my sex. Shayla crawled up until she was lying on top of me kissing me hard on the mouth. The tongue that had been in my cunt was in my mouth. I could taste and smell my pussy juice on her face. I never even thought about the fact that this was a woman; she was just the lover who had just given me such powerful orgasms. We continued to kiss and I became aware that her hot pussy was pressing against my thigh - she was humping my leg. I put my hands on the sides of her face and pulled it back from mine. "I think someone wants something, don't you?"


      "Someone sure as fuck does," she said as she rolled on her back. I retrieved Hunter and moved around until I was on my stomach between Shayla's knees. I'd never seen a vagina that close before and I was enthralled by the sight - and smell - of it. She was shaved completely bare and I could see that her lips were red and swollen. Her clit was sticking out. Tentatively I rubbed the tip of the dildo over her. "Give it to me," she moaned. "I need it bad. Fuck me please. Fuck me Nora. Slowly I eased the toy between her lips, not stopping until it was halfway buried in her. "Oh yes, that's it," she said. As she had done with me, I moved him in and out, going deeper and deeper with each stroke. Shayla's ass was rising off the bed in anticipation.


      I knew what she wanted and, after the pleasure she'd brought me, I wanted her to have it. As I worked the big guy in and out of her cunt I used my thumb to gently rub her big clit. "Yesyesyes," she murmured. I took a deep breath, and then moved up until I could suck the swollen knob between my lips. She put a hand on the back of my head and pressed my face hard against her. Shayla began thrashing about on the bed, obviously cumming. Juice was flowing out of her, coating my hand, as I licked and sucked on her. What I had been doing didn't really hit me until after Shayla's orgasm was over. I had thought I was going to make Lee go down that night. Instead I was the one going down. Going down on another woman. Eating her pussy - and enjoying it.


      As Shayla's orgasm waned I pulled the dildo out of her. Without thinking about it I kissed her pussy and licked at the moisture there. My tongue was between her lips, exploring her insides, when Shayla started cumming again. I shoved my fingers into her, making her cry out in pleasure. Her body was rocking under me. I felt the same kind of power and pride I usually experienced when I got Lee off orally, but the taste and smell was different, more powerful and somehow more personal. I was surprised at how much I liked it.

      Afterward Shayla and I lay quietly in each other's arms. I held one of her breasts, running my fingers over her taut nipple. I could feel her hand caressing my ass. Finally we both pulled back. "Bet you didn't expect this to happen, did you?" Shayla said.


      "No, and I certainly didn't think I'd ever enjoy what we just did. But I did. In fact, I loved it."


      "Good," Shayla responded, "So did I."


      "But now," I said, "I'd better go home. I do have a husband and he should be getting back soon."


      "Yeah, it probably wouldn't be good for him to smell pussy on your face."


      "Good point." Then I asked her, "Any more shows coming up?"


      "No," she answered. "Not for a while I think."


      "Good," I said. "It might take me some time to process what just happened."


      "Will we do it again?"


      "I honestly don't know."


      "I hope so," she said.


      "I think I do to." With that I retrieved my robe and reluctantly returned to my own house. By the time Lee got home I'd showered and put on clean jeans and a tee-shirt. At some point I had decided not to tie him to the bed that night. But I certainly intended to fuck his brains out.

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