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  • Topic: [secret] mobile phone function turn. Do not look at regret...

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    • June 8, 2014 5:53:42 AM EDT
    • [secret] mobile phone function turn. Do not look at regret...

      1, when doesn't like others disturb their own, do not want to shut down, give us a way to make their numbers into the air.
      input *21*#, press dial key call time. When people call you when your phone number into the air.
      and then enter the #21#, in accordance with the dial keys and normal.
      PS: the function of Mobile Corporation is free of charge, should be a loophole in the mobile phone number. On the spot experiments, if feel good just to your friends, when you don't want to answer that make you sad for her / his phone, use the get.

      2, identifying the quality of mobile phone
      Press *#06#, then in your mobile phone will appear on a sequence number to you, you count to seventh and the number eighth.
      if you the seventh and the eighth number is the ralph lauren homme number two below the corresponding, then your mobile phone quality determined.
      0, 2 or 2, 0, the mobile phone is very poor
      0, 8 or 8, 0, is a better mobile phone
      0, 1 or 1, 0, is a very good mobile phone
      0, 0 representative is the origin of production company, is the best quality mobile phone (mobile phone)
      1, 3 on behalf of Azerbaijan production, is very very poor mobile phone
      Battery backup
      , invisible
      your mobile phone battery, in order to allow it to continue to use, press the *3370# key, the mobile phone will restart, after the start, you will find the power increased 50%. This part of the hidden Cheap Givenchy shirts spare power run out you have to charge, and again when charging, invisible backup battery and charging, the next time the power is low and can use this method. Know that in case of emergency, if the mobile phone battery works very well.

      2, remote controller for vehicle falls in the car?

      your car remote control to open? If you can, you will one day fall in car remote control car and spare remote control at home, you'll find out a mobile phone is really convenient, with a mobile phone to call the family's mobile phone, will you sac michael kors femme take the mobile phone in a foot from the door place, at home with on the remote side in his mobile phone rang unlocking button on the remote control, you can open the side door. This method no matter you drove so far away from home to work.

      3, emergency

      worldwide mobile phone can dial a common emergency number is 112, if you find yourself without mobile phone signal coverage area, at the same time, you also have an emergency situation, use your mobile phone to dial 112 to be sure, because at that time you; 相关的主题文章:

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