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  • Topic: If Indian men have the least sex, who has the most?

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    • September 8, 2013 9:02:02 AM EDT
    • If Indian men have the least sex, who has the most?

      An Indian men’s magazine commissioned a global sex survey to see how Indian men stacked up against the rest of the world, but ended up discovering they had the least sex of all.

      Croatians also had the most fun outdoors, doing it more often in pools, parks, fields and cars than any other nationality on earth.


      The annual survey, conducted by Men’s Health, is by far the largest of its kind in the world, with 50,796 participants in 30 countries.

      But the results showed that Indian men have sex, on average, less than once a week, the least of any nation surveyed.

      And almost half (48 per cent) believe their partners regularly fake orgasm.

      Indian men have, on average, just three notches on the bedpost, the lowest number in the survey.

      Compare that to the males of Croatia, who had the most - an average of 11 partners each.

      Croatians also had the most fun outdoors, doing it more often in pools, parks, fields and cars than any other nationality on earth.

      But in a move that may surprise our European neighbours, British men and women both ranked as the kinkiest on the planet, perhaps in part due to the phenomenon of ‘mummy porn’. The record selling “50 Shades” series is written by London-based author E L James. British women were also the most promiscuous, reeling in an average of nine partners each.

      The magazine’s editorial director, Jamal Shaikh, said the poll was about providing more than data or trends. He said: "We have tried to examine how men from different parts of the world are better than others in certain aspects of sex and relationships, and then tell you how to learn and improve."

      Certainly, the rest of the world could take a lesson from the Dutch.

      The Netherlands was the only country in the world where women were happy with the amount of foreplay on offer.

      Although the survey claims men are more promiscuous than women, it seems they’ll need plenty of practice before next year.


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