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  • Topic: The horse and the chick!!

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    • January 30, 2013 7:43:36 AM EST
    • The horse and the chick!!

      Once upon a time in a farm owned by a rich farmer there was a horse and a chick, who were great friends. One day while playing in the mud the horse slipped badly and got stuck in a large hole. The chick hurried back to the farm, drove the farmer’s BMW, pulled out a thick rope and tied one end to the car and threw the other end insite the pit. The horse held on to the rope and the chick drove the horse to safety.
      A few days later just the reverse happenned. Of course the hole size was much smaller but the chick got totally stuck in that. The horse thought over deeply for a minute and then simply placed one hind leg across the hole and asked the chick to hang onto his ‘thingy’. The chick followed his friends instuctions and the horse pulled out the scared chick to safety.

      MORAL OF THE STORY: If you are hung like a horse, you do not need a BMW to pick up a chick.

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