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  • Topic: Pope Raped Pilgrims in St. Peter’s Basilica

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    • March 8, 2013 10:01:55 AM EST
    • Pope Raped Pilgrims in St. Peter’s Basilica

      From Bloomberg, 2013-03-08 12:01:00 AM

      When Pope John XII was elected in 955, he didn’t give up his secular interests.
      He drank, invoked pagan gods when gambling and loved the ladies.
      Pope Raped Pilgrims in St. Peter’s Basilica
      When Pope John XII was elected in 955, he didn’t give up his secular interests. He drank, invoked pagan gods when gambling and loved the ladies.
      John had sex with his father’s concubine, his own niece and many other women, turning the Lateran Palace into a “brothel and resort for harlots.” He even raped women pilgrims in St. Peter’s Basilica. Otto I convened a synod to have John removed from the papacy and replaced with Leo, but when the emperor left Rome, John returned and deposed Leo as a usurper. He took revenge on those who had betrayed him, cutting off the right hand of one man, and the tongue, two fingers and nose of another. John fled when Otto came back to Rome, and died when he was caught in bed by a cuckolded husband and severely beaten.

      To read the entire article, go to


    • May 13, 2013 8:36:07 AM EDT
    • Pope Raped Pilgrims in St. Peter’s Basilica

      In Nova Scotia the most dangerous jobs were, fishermen, firemen, policemen and alter boys.

      Jesuit priests around the world murdered and raped people of  primitive cultures that refused to become Christain. If they didn't convert to christianity then they were not people in the eyes of god  and just animals so it was OK to rape and kill them. The Jesuit Priests raped and murdered many native people around the world. That philosophy remains in religious wars today and was in effect here  in Canda with the Jesuit Preists and the Candian native Indians. That same philosopgy was also in effect in the church run traning schools where thousands of native children were used as sex toys by both  Catholic Priests, Anglecan Ministers and Nuns. The law suits for that are still settled in courts today. The Catholic churches firm stance against gays is pure hypocracy since it has become known that the biggest employer in the world of gay pedophiles is the Catholic Church.

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