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  • Topic: [transfer] daily psychology -- write too well!

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    • June 8, 2014 5:44:39 AM EDT
    • [transfer] daily psychology -- write too well!

      1. do not make any decisions in tears, mood negative talk less.
      2. do not go thinking the same question repeatedly, do not put all the feelings are placed in one person, you have parents, and other friends.
      3. do not be afraid of what is wrong, even if wrong, should not upset, life is right or wrong, so there are many things, looking back, right or wrong has not care.
      4. has a negative emotions is normal, but must be aware of their own, to understand that this is only a small part of life, in the rest of the time, as far as possible to allow a smooth mood.
      5. the man suddenly does not contact you, very normal; that person suddenly contact you, also is very normal, this does not explain what.
      6. if you do not understand, say, if you understand, let Cheap Givenchy Hoodies alone, you can smile.
      7. all the troubles are brought, therefore, only themselves, not to find a friend in tears, looking for them to play.
      8. said we must do, even if silly, stupid and then fail to keep faith than good.
      9. no matter what kind of changes occur, do not break the law of the original life, to eat on time, on time and sleep.
      10. don't want to do a thing, do not be afraid to feel very depressed at the prospect, don't be afraid to say the wrong thing, don't be afraid to think of the past, don't be afraid to face the future.
      11. whether it is right or wrong, you need a criterion, your behavior should follow the same rules, and modified according to the reality of life constantly. And irresolute and hesitant person, it is impossible to please people like, in between the wandering of the people right from wrong, the image than to the front.
      12. when he said, "let us calm for a period of time?" When I, calm, and then hang up the phone. Don't cry, he is not to ask your opinion.
      13. do not take my words out, these are the only belongs to your wealth.
      14. do not tell a ralph lauren polo shirts man and his arguments with a circle of people, no matter how reliable you think he.
      15. when you don't know what to say when he, what also don't say, there are limitless meaning of silence.
      16. do not pursue what results, each person the same result, is death.
      17. do not ralph lauren pas cher regret it, no matter how we do not regret it, regret is more terrible than you are wrong to do, because it will destroy your self-confidence, self-esteem and is likely to allow you to do one more thing wrong.
      1, don't underestimate anyone.
      2, you don't have so much audience, don't be so tired.
      3, gentle to everyone and everything. Don't lose your temper, no one owes you.
      4, now very painful, and after a while back to have a look, will find that in fact it is not.
      5, and have a malicious person john. People play, just have the best friends. 相关的主题文章:

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